The Bimbo Gym

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The Bimbo Gym

Open Hours: all day and night
Possible actions: work out
Reward: 1 fitness point per hour
Cost: 10% of your energy per hour.

The Bimbo Gym is run by celebrity couple­ Paris and Ethan Bimbo. They are one of the glam couples of Bimboland. This is the place for a Bimbo to work out and get that Bimbo body in shape!

Why do I need fitness points?

To stay in shape, would be one reason, the other is, that you need fitness to get a better job. The more, the better. You can speed up the process by paying diamonds
The only other possibilities to gain fitness is through "relax" in your Home (Cost: 1000B$ for 3 Fitness points) or to win them spinning a Lottery Ticket.