Blocking a Ximbo

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Revision as of 15:36, 18 January 2022 by Dye96 (talk | contribs)
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Everyone knows Bimboland's community is the best one in the world but everywhere you can find the black sheep. If someone is ruining your game, now you can block her/him and keep having fun.

To block someone just use the button below comment section:


After this, you'll get a pop-up message asking for a reason. If you don't want to give one, just leave it blank. Reason.png

To undo press "Unblock this Bimbo" in the same place. You can only block or unblock a player every 24 hours.


If you don't want to get messages every time a player blocks you, go to Privacy settings and turn them off: Priv.png

What does blocking a Bimbo mean to you? Blocked bimbos won't be able to:

  • Send you private messages
  • Comment on your profile
  • Vote in Debates and Fights that you're involved in
  • See your fights or debates
  • Challenge you to Debates and Fights
  • React to your profile
  • Vote on your forum posts
  • See your forum posts from your profile
  • Propose to you

Notice: You can't block Admins, Forum Guardians or Prime Bimbo.